A Free 7-Day Course for Leaders Who Need More Rest
(But Think They Don’t Have Time)

    Hey Leaders and High Achievers!

    I get it. Rest sounds like a four-letter word in your world. You’re busy crushing your goals, leading teams, and making big moves. Who has time for rest when there’s so much to do, right?

    But what if I told you that more rest could actually help you achieve more?

    Introducing "The Rest Revolution" - A Free 7-Day Mini-Course for Leaders Like You!

    Forget everything you’ve heard about “rest” being just for weekends or burnout recovery. This isn’t about lying on the couch or booking a spa day (unless you want to!). This is about strategic rest that gives you more energy, focus, and clarity so you can deliver real results where it matters most.

    This is for you if:

    • + You believe rest is for the weak (and yet, you’re running on coffee and fumes).

    • + You think “downtime” is a dirty word (and secretly wish you knew how to take some).

    • + You want to maximise your impact at work and have enough energy left for life outside the office.
    • Don’t be like David from Schitt’s Creek. Let’s stop any need to pop a sleeping pill, cry or fall asleep at night on the lounge while you’re revenge procrastinating on your day because you’re so wired but exhausted at the same time.

      What you'll learn in just 7 days:

      • Redefine Rest – discover why rest is actually your secret power tool—not a waste of time.

      • Active Recovery Hacks – learn simple movement strategies that refresh your body without draining your time.

      • The Art of Napping (Yes, Really!) – find out how a power nap can boost your productivity (without guilt).

      • Build a Better Bedtime Routine – create an evening ritual that actually helps you sleep better.

      • Digital Detox Strategies – cut down on digital noise to reclaim your mental space.

      • Creative Rest – explore ways to recharge your creativity and solve problems faster.

      • Your Personalized Rest Blueprint – leave with a simple, actionable plan to make rest a part of your high-performance routine.

      Why should you care about rest?

      • Because better rest = better results. Simple as that.

        This isn’t just theory; it’s proven. When you’re rested, you’re more focused, more creative, and more resilient. You make better decisions, handle stress like a pro, and still have energy left over for life outside the office.

      Still sceptical? Perfect. This course is built for you.

      • I know you don’t think you need more rest. 

      • But if you’re feeling even a little bit tired, stressed, or burnt out… this could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

      Join the "Rest Revolution today - FOR FREE.

        • 👉 Sign up now and get ready to revolutionise the way you think about rest. One email a day, for seven days. No fluff, no filler—just practical steps you can take right now to start feeling more energised and focused.

          You’ve got nothing to lose (except that afternoon slump). 

          Sign up now and let’s get started!

          Who am I?

          • I’m Nicole – your guide to smarter rest for bigger impact. 🌟
            I’m a life coach for leaders who want to have the energy, focus and confidence to live a great life, while being a great leader.

          • So what do you say? Ready to give yourself the secret advantage of radical rest?